First Steps

Hello, in shell echo "Hello World,". Hello, fellow command line users. First I want to say thank you for visiting this site. This site is for anyone who enjoys working and using the command line aka shell. Soon we are going to add tutorials, talks, news, and man others thing about the command line for any who lives or loves using the command line. Gui is a great interface, but as we know the command line offers more precision and power than any other interface known to humans as this current state. As many say or as you see on the internet “Where there is a shell there is a way.” Let’s explore why this the case, many have argued about GUI and having graphics interface to interact, but there is a reason why we, as a power user, developer, admin or as many walks of life return to the command line. Let discussion quickly a few reasons why, well let’s talk why many shy always from this interface.

  • Shell interface requires knowledge of the tools or system your using in which can discourage many.

  • People find the command line confusing as it needs a user to be explicit in their usages.

  • The command line can be very destructive in nature, which can cause a xmajor issue on users who are not familiar.

  • Not all shells interface are the same which can confuse many users.

Now we realize the challenges with the command line, lets weight out the benefits of using it and why so many returns to it.

  • First, the command line offers in almost all cases, the command line is much faster and easier to use for expirence and pwoer users

  • for most complex tasks, the command line or shell can be scripted to automate things